Recently, Meiyan Biotech's research team has publicly released the IG gold globulin protein factor to the world, quickly arousing the continuous attention from relevant academics around the world, and setting off a new wave of immune revolution. From "catch-up" to "excelling", in the immunotherapy field, China's technology once again amazed the world.

 Immunity is the primary vitality

While various viruses are ravaging the world, regardless of race, skin color, or origin from whether the East or the West, everyone is equal in the face of disease as virus actually picks out the “weak” to bully. Experiencing the past few years, we have also finally come to a truth: Immunity is the foundation of health, and immunity is the primary vitality.

In recent years, it is more acceptable that immunity is the first barrier to human health. On October 14, 2023, Academician Zhong Nanshan said, “In addition to doing well in healthy diet, scientific rest, isolation with masks, and less outings, we also need to use immunomodulators to enhance respiratory immunity and reduce the risk of respiratory infections.”

Dr. Li Xianliang, Professor of Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic, and Spleen Surgery at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, told us in the book “Immunity is the Primary Vitality” that the immune system is the "Great Wall" to protect us, building a defense line against the invasion of various viruses and bacteria. Without it, even minor abrasions will kill us! Therefore, immunity is the foundation of health.

 The direct relationship between immunity and health

1. Easy to age

Immunity is a factor closely related to aging, and decreased immune function is one of the most important causes of aging. People with long-term low immunity will be in a sub-healthy state, characterized by easy fatigue, poor sleep, malaise, poor skin, and hair loss. They look older than their peers.

2. Prone to infectious diseases

Patients with low immunity are prone to various infections, including bacterial infections, viral infections, and fungal infections, and are also prone to repeated infections, which are obstinate. For instance, for people with AIDS, due to acquired immunodeficiency, they did not die from the disease itself, but from T-cell dysfunction, which disabled them to stop all kinds of bacteria and viruses from invading, and eventually led them to death due to various infections.

3. Susceptible to tumors

Patients with long-term low immunity are more likely to develop tumors because immune function is low, the ability to monitor immunity is weakened, mutated cells are difficult to be removed, and tumor cells can be generated.

IG gold globulin protein factor to “enhance, reduce, resist, and stabilize”

Embrace infinite possibilities in a new way

Over a period of three years, Meiyan Biotech's research team has successfully developed and launched a variety of nutritional components that fight aging from the root in the form of small-molecule peptides. It is the world's first and the only comprehensive immune product that can simultaneously fight external infections, reduce inflammatory response, increase autoimmunity, and stabilize the nervous center. With the concept of “enhancing immunity, reducing inflammation, resisting external invasion, and stabilizing the nervous system”, it has quickly attracted continuous attention from relevant academics around the world.

Different from previous health products that are claimed to improve immunity, IG gold globulin factor has stunned the world medical community with seven core formulations and the effects of improving human immunity in a short time. Among them, IgG immunoglobulin, lactoferrin, and calf thymopeptides can rapidly enhance autoimmunity and promote immune clearance within a very short time of entering the body. Besides, collagen peptides and calfin can enhance the ability of the skin and mucous membranes to resist external infections and strengthen immune defense. Meanwhile, lactoferrin can reduce the body's inflammatory response, eliminate inflammatory factors, and strengthen immunity and defense. Moreover, total gangliosides, sialic acid , N-acetamide neuric acid can stabilize the nerve center and enhance immune stability. With seven core formulations and quadruple immune protection, it rebuilds immune health.

As soon as IG gold globulin factor was introduced, it attracted great attention from the global medical and biological community. China, Japan, and Luxembourg jointly issued a patent on the function of the golden ball membrane to enhance immunity and fight against aging caused by radiation. Many professional bioscience and nutrition journals around the world published professional papers on the IG gold globulin factor in boosting immunity, fighting radiation and aging. Hundreds of professional media around the world jointly reported on the biomedical miracle of Meiyan Biotech's research team. Human immunity protection is expected to be achieved through the Chinese miracle. Meiyan IG gold globulin protein factors, leading the way of science and technology to forge the great wall of human immunity, IG gold globulin factor -- the golden key to human immunity.